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Other Websites
Here are some other websites that you might want to visit if you're interested in learning more about Italy. The content of these sites range from educational sites, to personal sites talking about various Italian things.

Travel is a large and informative website about travel in Europe, particularly Italy. Among other very helpful information, it has a map of Italy divided in regions, and shows many popular tourist sites in the major cities.

Internet Train
The internet provides a very cheap and effective way to communicate with family and friends back home while you're off in Italy. The Internet Train is a chain of American format computers (Italians have different characters on their native keyboards) that you can use to email and browse the web, for a small price.

Florence Things
I spent the majority of my time in Florence Italy during my trip, so I have a bit of a soft spot for that city. This webpage has the low-down on what to do, and where to go in Florence.

Italy Travel Overview
This website provides a wealth of information about daily life in Italy, and what you can expect if you decide to go. It has exchange rates, weather, and much more.

Venice Travel Guide
The Venice Travel guide has, as you might expect from the name, information about traveling in Venice. Everything you could possibly want to know about hotels, dining, shopping and etiquette. (warning: some annoying pop-up windows)

Rail Europe
An easy way to get around all of Europe, if you intend to see more than just Italy, is to buy a Eurorail pass. Europe has an amazing railway system, that is incredibly economical, especially if you're currently a student, and qualify for special student deals. This site can get you started.

Uffizi Art Gallery
You don't have to be born into a family of wealthy bankers, with your family logo plastered about Florence to see amazing Italian renaissance art. Instead, you can buy a ticket and visit the Uffizi art gallery overlooking the river Arno, and the piazza della signoria in "down town" Florence.

The Guggenheim
The Guggenheim Museum in Venice is a wonderful stop, amazing art, and a beautiful view overlooking the Grand Canal. An excellent stop in Venice, and a definate good time.


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